Ethics & Medicine : Volume 31:1 Spring 2015

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Dying Well
C. Ben Mitchell, PhD

A Traditionalist Protestant Response to Roman Catholic Rules about the Induction of Unborn Anencephalic Babies
Thor Swanson, MDiv, ThM, MA

Multitasking and the Neuroethics of Distraction
William P. Cheshire, Jr., MD

Choosing Birth or Death – Before Birth
Robert D. Orr, MD, CM

Euthanasia and the Experience of the Yoruba People of Nigeria
Aborisade Olasunkanmi

The Sociocultural and Ethical Issues Behind the Decision for Artificial Hydration in a Young Palliative Patient with Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction
Ong Eng Koon, MBBS, MMed; Lalit Krishna, PhD, MA, FRCP, FAMS, MBChB; Patricia Neo, MBBS, MCRP, MPH

Informed Consent Documentation in Pharmaceutical Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials
Agata Bloswick; Dr. Hab Agnieszka Skowron


Law and the Bible : Justice, Mercy & Legal Institutions
Robert F. Cochran, Jr. and David VanDrunen, editors. Downer’s Grove, IL; IVP Academic, 2013.
ISBN 978-0-8308-2573-8. 269 PAGES (including two indices). PAPER.  $24.00
Reviewed by Clarke D. Forsythe, JD, MA(Bioethics) who serves as Senior Counsel for Americans United for Life and is the author of Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade (Encounter Books, 2013).

Playing God : Redeeming the Gift of Power
Andy Crouch. Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 2013.
ISBN 978-0-8308-3765-6. 288 PAGES ; CLOTH, $25.00
Reviewed by Susan M. Haack, MD, MA(Bioethics), MDiv, FACOG, a consultative gynecologist at Hess Memorial Hospital and Mile Bluff Medical Center in Mauston, Wisconsin, USA.

The Ethics of the New Eugenics
Calum MacKellar and Christopher Betchel, editors. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2014.
ISBN 978-1782381204, 244 PAGES. CLOTH, $90.25.
Truly Human Enhancement : A Philosophical Defense of Limits
Nicholas Agar. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: The MIT Press, 2014
ISBN 978-0-262-02663-5, 216 PAGES. CLOTH, $35.00
Reviewed by Agneta Sutton, PhD, Lecturer at Heythrop College in the University of London, UK.

Posted in Table of Contents.