Ethics & Medicine Volume 14:1 Spring 1998

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The Shape of the Future
C. Ben Mitchell, PhD

The Duty of Physicians
Reverend Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

Theoretical and Philosophical Reflections About the Medical Approach Towards Procreation
Dr. Barbara Maier

Religion-Based Perspectives on Cloning of Humans
National Bioethics Advisory Commission (USA)

A Protestant Perspective on Cloning

C. Ben Mitchell, PhD

Book Reviews
The Ground of Professional EthicsDaryl Koehn, Gary P. Stewart

Caring for Patients: A Critique of the Medical ModelAllen Barbour, Susan Williams

A Short History of Modern Philosophy from Descartes to WittgensteinRoger Scruton, Stephen N Williams

Families for TomorrowJ Bogle, Editor, Dorothy A Whyte

Posted in Table of Contents.