Ethics & Medicine Volume 12:1 Spring 1996

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Bioethics and the Future of Us All
Nigel M de S Cameron

Bioethics and Public Policy: Will Liberal Nihilism Be Our Future?
Dominique Folscheid

Hippocratic Medicine and the Teaching of Medical Ethics
Teresa Iglesias

An International Workshop: Life Sciences and the Concept of Person: Impact of Individual Opinions on the Respect for Human Personhood
P. Goube de Laforest, CNRS

The Nature of the Human Embryo: Philosophical Perspectives
Dr. Laura Palazzani

Book Reviews
Advance Directives and the Pursuit of Death with DignityNorman I. Cantor Prof. David Short

Borrowed Time: A Surgeon’s Struggle with Transfusion-Induced AIDSOrville J. Messenger & Dorothy R. Messenger Robert D. Orr

Coping with Controversy: Conflict, Censorship, & Freedom within Christian CirclesD. Gareth Jones Robert D. Orr

Death and Deliverance: Euthanasia in Germany 1900-1945Michael Burleigh Prof. David Short

Dispatches from the Front: Theological Engagements with the SecularStanley Hauerwas Donal P. O’Mathuna

Posted in Table of Contents.