Ethics & Medicine Volume 11:2 Summer 1995

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On Being Politically Correct
Dr. Keith J Russell

The Struggle Against Abortion: Why the Use of Lethal Force Is Not Morally Justifiable
The Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention

Response to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority’s Consultation Document on Research and Fertility Treatment Using Human Ova and Ovarian Tissue Obtained From Live Women, Cadavers, or Fetuses
The Centre for Bioethics and Public Policy

Liver Transplantation and Alcoholic Patients: When Is It Justified to Just Say No?
Gregory W. Rutecki, MD

Book Reviews

The Tentative Pregnancy: Prenatal Diagnosis and the Future of MotherhoodBarbara Katz Rothman, Editor Dorothy A. Whyte

Euthanasia, Clinical Practice, and the LawLuke Gormally, Editor Andrew Fergusson, MB, MRCGP

The Virtues in Medical PracticeEdmund D. Pelligrino & David C. Thomasma Agneta Sutton

Mind Fields: Reflections on the Science of Mind and BrainMalcolm Jeeves A. A. Howsepian, MD

The New Genesis: Theology and the Genetic RevolutionRonald Cole-Turner C. Ben Mitchell

Posted in Table of Contents.