Ethics & Medicine Volume 4:2 Summer 1988

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Costs and Benefits
Human Dignity?
Firstfruits of an Awesome Harvest

Confidentiality and Young People
Victoria Gillick

Confidentiality and Young People: A G.P.’s Response
Dr Huw Morgan

Confidentiality and Patient-Access to Records
Professor David S. Short

Persuading Pagans
Dr S. G. Potts

Medicine and the Bible, Bernard Palmer
Human Embryo Research, Yes or No?, The CIBA Foundation
A Child at any Cost? The Secret Pain of Infertility, Mary Mealyea
The Foetus as Transplant Donor, Scientific, Social and Ethical Perspectives, Peter McCullagh
Should the Baby Live? The Problem of Handicapped Infants, Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer

Posted in Table of Contents.